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Yuhuan Yaoxiangying Copper Co.,Ltd

Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Exporter,
Number of employees: 11 - 50
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 2000

Machines & Tools

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Firm Rank: 0

Valves manufacturer - Yuhuan Yaoxiangying Copper Co.,Ltd is located in Yuhuan County Zhejiang Province. Our factory professionally produce products made of copper, and our products including: PVC PPR tube connects, red copper pipe tube connect, stainless steel pipe tube connect welded pipe connect, ball valve stop valve water bibcock and etc. The production craft is excellent, the technique power is strong, the species is abundant, the quality is dependable.

Address data

Street:Longwang Industrial Area, Chumen
Postal code:317605
Phone: +86 576 7419926
Fax: +86 576 7441266


Contact person

Name and Surname: Joyce Liu
Phone: +86 576 7419926
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